Statement from Beutler Ink on Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

As a digital marketing agency, Beutler Ink is known for our services and expertise. We have occasionally, but not often—and not recently—taken a stand on social issues. In the past we have cheered the Supreme Court's decisions on marriage equality, promoted women artists, and contributed to other causes. But the busier we've become, the less we've spoken up. Now, the present moment in our nation has made us realize it has been too long.

Today we find ourselves compelled to say, without any further embellishment: black lives matter. 

Black Americans continue to face unequal treatment in our shared society, on the everyday streets and, most relevant to Beutler Ink, also in the workplace. The last week-plus has been equal parts horrifying and inspiring, and also clarifying about how far our country still has to go before reaching real equality and equity across race and class lines.

Saying so is one thing, but doing something is another. To that end, the Beutler Ink executive team has been looking at our own organization and thinking about how we can be part of the solution. Here are four initiatives we are kicking off immediately:

  1. Re-evaluating our own hiring process. To date, we have largely recruited through our own personal networks, which has mostly brought us people who look like most of us. We can do better. Going forward, we are committing to interviewing at least one person from an underrepresented minority for every open position. To facilitate this, we will post all future openings on inclusive jobs boards like PowerToFly and (disclosure: our current partner) Valence.

  2. Presence at diversity-focused events. Beutler Ink will now require our executives and managers to attend at least one such event or conference per year. We've typically attended very few conferences each year, and focused our choices narrowly on business goals; we recognize today that diversity needs to be a key business goal from now on. Getting out of our comfort zone will help us learn from others and build those personal networks, so we can seek to hire and support future minority team members.

  3. Promoting black and minority creators. We're a digital agency specializing in design, and we should use our channels to highlight talent our audience might not see otherwise. We'll always seek permission, attribute and link robustly, and do so as part of the normal course of our posting. 

  4. Matching employee donations. Throughout the month of June, Beutler Ink will match donations by our team members, up to a total of $3,000, to any of the following non-profit organizations: Color of Change, Black Lives Matter, or Equal Justice Initiative.

Finally, we are very aware that we will play only a very small part in a much greater effort. We don't expect to undo centuries of racism with a single email, social post, or interaction. Humility is important too, as is the knowledge that change will require continued commitment. At Beutler Ink, we see it as all of our responsibility, and we won't lose sight of it.

Now there is work to be done. We're excited to meet the challenge with you.


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