Here’s to 2019

Time seems to move faster than ever nowadays, and it's easy to lose track of the viral moments and memes that cycle through your social feeds. That's why we love producing our "Here's to…" graphic every December. The Where's Waldo-inspired illustration is a great chance to revisit the year's news, sports, and pop culture.

For our 2019 edition, we were thrilled to once again partner with theSkimm. We collaborated closely with their team on the graphic's depiction list and editorial direction and then handed design duties over to the talented Michele Rosenthal, who always delivers eye-catching illustrations and caricatures.

Here's to 2019

The Key (did you find everyone?)

Here's to 2019 key

TheSkimm included the entire graphic in the year-end recap newsletter that was delivered to more than 7 million subscribers (including most of our team!). The illustration was also published on their Instagram account with a native post and Instagram Story. Together these posts generated more than 230,000 impressions, while Facebook and Twitter posts reached an additional 50,000+ viewers.

Reader feedback on social was overwhelmingly positive: 

  • I look forward to this every year 😍

  • Couldn’t forget baby Yoda ❤️

  • So well done! I straight up studied it!


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