Reputation Management

Perception is reality. Why leave yours to chance?

Fix your reputation without giving up your integrity

Online reputation management (ORM) and search engine optimization (SEO) have acquired a bad reputation, owing to reports about shady tactics adopted by some firms. At Beutler Ink, we know that effective reputation management is less about quick-fix tactics or gimmicks and much more about using the internet to tell a story that isn't getting through.


We can help you secure your reputation on the following platforms:

  • Search

  • Social Listening

  • Glassdoor

  • Wikipedia

Search illustration


When customers want to learn more about your brand, what's the first action they take? Do they call you up on the phone? Do they drive to your store or office? Or do they search for your business name on Google?

If you answered "search," then you should consider the first page of results about your brand to be the most important real estate on the internet! Especially when you consider that nearly 49 percent of Google searches end with the user getting the information they were looking for on the first page without clicking ANY links.

We help brands understand what customers are learning about them through search and how that information can be changed.

Ready to learn what Google is saying about you?

Social listening illustration

Social Listening

Small complaints on social media can quickly escalate into big problems—especially if you're not paying attention.

Beutler Ink can serve as your eyes and ears online, identifying important conversations and letting you know what's being said and why it's important.

This level of qualitative analysis is why clients prefer us to monitoring tools, which generate reams of data and fancy-looking automated reports, but can't explain to you (or key stakeholders) what any of it means.

Ready to learn more?

Glassdoor illustration


Search engines love Wikipedia! That means if your business has a Wikipedia article, that article likely ranks highly in search and is a key source of information about your operation.

Interacting with Wikipedia to improve articles is no easy task. Beutler Ink can help you understand how to work cooperatively with Wikipedia according to the rules developed by its community of editors.

If a Wikipedia article exists about your brand, we can help you ensure it's as high quality as possible. If one does not exist, we can help you understand if now is the right time to create one. This process can be difficult, but it's a service we excel at. Our consulting team has over 25 years combined experience on Wikipedia, which we bring to bear on every project.

Ready to learn more?

Glassdoor illustration


Nearly 50 percent of job seekers check Glassdoor business profiles for employers.

What does the site say about your brand? Are reviews positive or negative? Is the information about salaries and benefits correct? How does your overall score compare to your competitors' scores?

Beutler Ink helps partners monitor and manage their Glassdoor profiles so that you're always putting your best put forward. If used correctly, Glassdoor can be a tremendous asset for communicating company values and collecting honest employee feedback. But if left unattended, business profiles can resemble a swamp of negativity that scares off prospective employees.

Ready to optimize your Glassdoor presence?

Every reputation management project is closely tailored to our partner's needs. Tell us your situation and we'll come up with a unique solution